§ 14. Procedures for organizing EFEM Lectures
§ 14.1. The EFEM may sponsor a lecture given by a scientist with eminent contribution to the Morphological Sciences. This lecture will be given during a Congress organized in Europe by IFAA or by Member Societies of EFEM.
§ 14.2. Within six months after each EFEM Lecture, the Executive Board of EFEM will address the Constituent Societies to seek
§ 14.2.1. suggestions for potential speakers,
§ 14.2.2. invitations to meetings where the EFEM Lecture could be given.
§ 14.3. The Executive Board shall appoint a subgroup of three, chaired by the President, to select the EFEM Lecturer on behalf of the Board. The Board shall propose to the Council the name of the Lecturer and the place where the next EFEM Lecture could be delivered. It will base its proposal upon the following criteria:
§ 14.3.1. renown and/or scientific standing of the suggested persons,
§ 14.3.2. necessity to keep balance between the regions of Europe,
§ 14.3.3. financial status of EFEM.
§ 14.4. The Secretary General shall organize the execution of the decision of the Council in collaboration with the local Organizing Committee. The EFEM Lecture will be clearly posted as such by the organizers of the meeting where it is to be held. It will be delivered during a special session chaired by the President of EFEM.
Cambridge, 24th July, 2000
The Secretary General of EFEM
Prof. P. Sprumont