The Social Media Committee is responsible for the coordination of all publicity and public engagement activities of EFEM including its website and social media channels. The Committee is working under the guidance of Prof. M Teresa Vazquez Osorio (Social Media) and Prof. Jerzy Walocha (Website).
Ignacio Hernández Morato, PhD
Social Media Committee and website Coordinator
Ignacio Hernández Morato, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor at Complutense University of Madrid. His primary research focuses on the regeneration of the peripheral nervous system, with additional interests in the development of the nervous system and laryngeal proprioception.
Dr. Hernandez-Morato got his Ph.D. at Complutense University of Madrid, investigating the central projections of the rat larynx before and after recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, which leads to non-selective reinnervation of the larynx. He began his initial postdoctoral research at New York Medical College, but in 2016 he transitioned to Columbia University in New York City for a second postdoctoral period. Throughout these years, he investigated the expression of guidance factors within the laryngeal muscles involved in non-selective motor reinnervation of the rat larynx. He also focused on studying proprioceptive innervation in the larynx, aiming to identify its proprioceptive organs.
In 2024, Dr. Hernandez-Morato assumed the role of Assistant Professor in the Department of Anatomy and Embryology at the School of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid. Alongside his teaching responsibilities, he aims to advance his research on laryngeal reinnervation and non-canonical proprioception of muscles in the head and neck, particularly within the larynx. Other areas of interest are science communication and science policy.
Marcello Trucas, MD, PhD
Twitter/X Coordinator
Lecturer in Human Anatomy for the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cagliari
Ph.D. in Experimental and Clinical Hepatology (Morphology oriented) at the Department of Anatomical Sciences - Sapienza University of Rome. Member of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology and Full Member of the Anatomical Society. He specialized in Clinical Pathology, developing skills in immunology and therapy of thromboembolic diseases. Research activity focuses on morphological features of immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases of different organs, through immunohistochemistry, molecular biology, and electron microscopy techniques. He deals with the morphology of the liver in conditions of autoimmunity and fibrosis, and microvascular changes in sickle cell anemia. He has recently started working as a researcher in the Neuroanatomy Lab, Dept of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Cagliari, a facility with long-dated expertise in the neurochemical anatomy of the human and rat nervous system in normal and pathological conditions analyzed with immunochemical and morphometric methods. The experimental models are those of neuronal activation and plasticity elicited by environmental and behavioral stimuli, such as depression, traumatic compression, spinal cord injury, hypoperfusion/reperfusion, and chemotherapeutic drugs.
Other interests in Anatomy concern Anatomical Dissection and the History of Anatomy.
Paula García, MSc
Anatomy demonstrator at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Graduated with a First Class MSc in Human Anatomy from University College Cork, Ireland, where she developed her thesis investigating the relationship between visuospatial thinking and performance in anatomy examinations.
She currently teaches anatomy and clinical skills to students from a variety of medical and biological sciences courses at the University of Birmingham.
Her main interests are in anatomy and medical education research, as well the use of new technologies in teaching in the same field.
Caterina Franco, MD
Instragram Coordinator
Current PhD Researcher in Molecular Genetics, Biotechnologies and Experimental Medicine at The University of Brescia. Member of the Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology (SIAI) Caterina graduated from the University of Brescia discussing a thesis regarding the link between oxidative stress and essential hypertensive disease, analyzing the possible role of melatonin supplementation in maintaining oxidative balance and limiting cardiovascular damage. She has been interested in cadaver dissections, learning the technique both in Italy and in Vienna during her medical degree. Over the years, she has investigated the role of oxidative stress and its effect in various experimental models, including a mouse model of autism. She is interested in the field of public health and tropical diseases, which is why she took part to the Tropical diseases and International medicine Course. She is working on her PhD thesis that is focused on tuberculosis infection and in particular on the possible changes that the lung epithelium may undergo following exogenous stimuli in order to better define the role that these changes may have on the spread of the infection. Additional interests include topics related to Human health and rights all around the World.
Eilidh Ferguson, BSc, PGCert, PhD, FRAI, Cert. FA-III
Eilidh is a senior lecturer in Anatomy at the University of Glasgow. She is the anatomy programme lead for Medicine and Glasgow Access to Medicine Programme (GAP), which won the Times Higher Education Award for widening participation in 2019. She coordinates and teaches anatomy across both professional and BSc degree programmes.
Eilidh completed her PhD in juvenile facial identification at the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification, University of Dundee. Her research focussed on the growth and development of the juvenile face and considered potential methods of identification from facial photographs. Following this, she continued to research facial identification methods at Face Lab, Liverpool John Moores University on an MoD-funded project. During this time, she was part of a team providing training courses in facial image comparison and 3D laser scanning.
She then took up an opportunity to travel to the USA, after being awarded a fellowship to conduct research at the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Hawaii. She provided identification services to the Department of Defense for skeletal remains recovered from WWII, Korean, and Vietnam wars, and her research focussed specifically on the segregation and identification of a large commingled assemblage from the Korean War. Eilidh is a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) and a certified Forensic Anthropologist who has been involved in forensic casework in both in the UK and Internationally. She is also an elected councillor of the Anatomical Society and currently holds the position of Meetings Officer of the society.