You may submit your post to our notice board below. Please note the following:
- You must use an official, university- or association-affiliated email address (no gmail, no hotmail, etc.).
- You must include your full name, and your full name will be publicly posted.
- Make sure to include your contact information in your post content if you wish to be contacted. We will NOT automatically publish your email address. Instead, include whatever contact information you wish to make publicly available in the "post content".
- If you wish to link to an external website (e.g. survey, job post, event website), please explicitely include the link in the "post content". Only adding the link in the "URL" field is not sufficient.
- Before your post is approved, your internet presence in your institutional website will be verified.
- Your notice board post will only be approved if it complies to the above stated rules and at the discretion of the EFEM board. Approval usually happens within a week.
- By submitting, you allow us to process your data, publish the post data, and confirm you have the legal right to submit the post contents (e.g. copyrights on text, images).