European Federation 
for Experimental Morphology

Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy

The “Turkish Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy Society (TAKAD)” was founded in 1991 following the first National Anatomy Congress held in Bursa, Uludag University (27-30 Haziran 1991).

Since then it has reached over 250 active and 30 emeritus members and organized the 16th National Meeting in Malatya, during September 11-14, 2014.
The fundamental aims of TAKAD are to establish close relationships among members, promote and support research in morphological science, advance teaching anatomy skills and methods in benefit of undergraduate and graduate students.

The Society facilitates interaction and communication among scientists via its national as well as a number of very prestigious international meetings, and disseminates scientific advances through its journal. Up-to-date information about those meetings and also the Society can be followed by the website at:  http://www.anatomy.org.tr/

The official organ of the Society, Anatomy- an International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy”is published three times a year with an objective to publish manuscripts with high scientific quality from all areas of anatomy. The journal offers a forum for anatomical investigations involving gross, histologic, developmental, neurological, radiological and clinical anatomy, and anatomy teaching methods and techniques. Online submission system is now available through the following website:  http://dergipark.ulakbim.gov.tr/anatomy/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions

Current Board (2014-2016)

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Kağan KARABULUT (President)

Prof. Dr. Ümit ŞEHİRLİ (Vice President for External Relations)

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali MALAS (Vice President for Internal Relations)

Prof. Dr. Emel ULUPINAR (Secretary General)

Doç. Dr. Nihal APAYDIN (Accountant Member)

Prof. Dr. Gülgün ŞENGÜL (Member)

Prof. Dr. Davut ÖZBAĞ (Member)

Website: http://www.anatomidernegi.org.tr/

Forthcoming congress:

1st International Mediterranean Anatomy Congress
19th National Anatomy Congress

TSACA Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy

Konya - Turkey
6 - 9 September 2018
For information please click
