The Italian Society of Anatomy was founded in 1929 by Nello Beccari (Florence), Luigi Castaldi (Cagliari) and Emerico Luna (Palermo) under the auspices of Giulio Chiarugi. In the same year the Italian Anatomical Society replaced UZI (Unione Zoologica Italiana, see below), as member of IFAA. Since December 2004 it changed its name into “ ITALIAN SOCIETY OF ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY”- SOCIETA’ ITALIANA DI ANATOMIA E ISTOLOGIA (SIAI). Currently, it has about 400 members. The first of the 66 yearly congresses, listed in the record compiled by the Past President Professor Giovanni Orlandini, was held in Bologna (8-10 October 1929) and chaired by Giulio Valenti. The institutional aims of Italian Society of Anatomy and Histology are the increase and the promotion of research and teaching in morphological (anatomical, histological, embryological) disciplines. The official organ of the Society is the “Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology” ( which, since 1991, is the continuation of the Archivio Italiano di Anatomia e Embriologia established in 1901 by Giulio Chiarugi and publishes the proceedings of the annual meeting as an ordinary supplement. The peer reviewed Journal is devoted to the publication of research or review papers dealing with the entire field of anatomy and embryology of vertebrates, from clinical anatomy to cell and developmental biology, with special regard to human and veterinary medicine and including medical education in those fields. The Society has sponsored two IFAA congresses (Milan, 1936; Rome 1999) , two International Symposia of Morphological Sciences (Rome, 1988; Messina 2010), one European Congress of Anatomy (Florence, 1995), one Meeting of EFEM (Bologna, 2007), two meetings of the Federative International Committee for Anatomical Terminology (Cagliari, 1996; Messina 2010). It must also be recalled that 2 Italians : Guglielmo Romiti, erstwhile teacher of Giulio Chiarugi, and Romeo Fusari, a former pupil of Camillo Golgi, as members of UZI, were among the 10 Anatomists elected in 1903 to the first Board-Bureau of IFAA. UZI (Unione Zoologica Italiana- Italian Zoological Union) was then representing Italian Anatomy as one of the 5 founding Societies. Officers, statutes, and activities of SIAI are detailed in the website http://www.siai.unifi.it73° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIAI SIAI Società Italiana di Anatomia e Istologia Napoli 22-24 Settembre 2019 For information please click The Italian Group for the Study of Neuromorphology, GISN, is a scientific association founded in December 1990 to promote and develop neuroscience education and research preferentially related to the field of the morphology of the nervous system. The GISN annual meeting takes place in Bologna at the Academy of Sciences and at different Italian cities every second year. The GISN meeting offers the opportunity of learning about current topics and networking as well as sharing best practices with colleagues from around Italy. The scientific programme consists of two main lectures and symposia on topics selected on the basis of proposals made by individual scientists. A number of European peers take usually part of the meeting as invited speakers for the main lectures. ITALIAN SOCIETY OF HISTOCHEMISTRYWebsite: Italian Society of Histochemistry, founded in 1958 at the initiative of Prof. Maffo Vialli, is a free and apolitical cultural association. The Society is open for all the investigators active in the field of Histochemistry. The purpose of the Society is to promote and diffuse histochemical studies stimulating contacts between scientists for the valorization of research and exploitation of scientific results and achievements even on the basis of a multidisciplinary approach. Society’s members operate in the various fields of basic and applied research concerning Animal and Plant Biology, Medicine, Diagnostics, Genetics, Biotechnology. In this regard, the Society strives to promote the organization of National Congress (every two years), seminars, round tables, specialized courses and practical workshops, in order to broaden the diffusion of scientific information, and to create contacts and links with other groups and similar associations, in Italy and abroad. The Italian Society of Histochemistry is a member of the International Federation of Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. The European Journal of Histochemistry (website: is the official organ of the Society.38° CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SII SII Società Italiana di Istochimica Ancona 24-27 Giugno 2019 For information please click |