European Federation 
for Experimental Morphology
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1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "3D Technologies in Clinical Anatomy"

The 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference "3D Technologies in Clinical Anatomy" was held on 10, 11 and 12 September 2021 in Samara, Russia in a hybrid format. The main topic was about union of classical and innovative vision of clinical anatomy teaching and researching.

All Russian anatomists association was presented by vice-president, professor Sergey Dydykin, head of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of Sechenov University.

The scientifical program of the international conference touched upon such important aspects of 3D technologies in clinical anatomy as innovative teaching methods using virtual and interactive technologies, both using the anatomical table "Pirogov" in Samara State Medical University (Sergey Chemidronov, Vadim Gvozdkov) and

"3D technologies in neurosurgery: educational and clinical aspects" (Albert Syfianov). Professor A. Sufyanov (head of the neurosurgery department, Sechenov University) presented the modern capabilities of the operating room, where VR technologies, work with augmented and augmented reality have become common working procedures.

The technologies of immersion in virtual reality through VR-helmets, where the student receives a virtual scalpel in his hands for performing surgical interventions, were interesting (Sergey Dydykin, Yuriy Vasiliev, Stanislav Gribkov). The latest development was created in Sechenov University in the VR laboratory of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy (Professor Yu.L. Vasiliev) together with the Sechenov university VR/AR department  (Stanislav Gribkov). It is a simulator of surgical interventions for purulent diseases of the face based on VR technologies and enables students, especially those who have chosen a surgical training path, to significantly reduce the number of errors, increase the speed of manipulation and decision-making, reduce training time, and more adequately assess the level of acquired knowledge and acquired skills.

We thank our colleagues who found the opportunity to join us via zoom. Many thanks to Natalia Trushel (Republic of Belarus) for the report "On the experience of using information technologies at the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Belarusian State Medical University" and Friedrich Paulsen (Germany), who shared with us "Topical issues of modern teaching of clinical anatomy"

In conclusion, it is necessary to say about changes in professional life in medicine where people who are in close touch with digital technologies. And we, those who are standing in the initial level of clinical education should change our methods and vision of anatomy mentoring. It seems that combination of our golden standart as anatomical dissection and VR/AR teaching can give better result.

We are very happy to invite you to join 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "3D Technologies in Clinical Anatomy" in september 2022 in Samara. For proper cooperation do not hesitate to e-mail prof. Sergey Dydykin via dydykin_ss@mail.ru.
